Silence of Father's Day
This Fathers Day, remember that men today long to have good relationships with their children. But there have been generations of silence about what it means to be a father. We didn’t hear our own dads talk about it.
At my fathering workshops the most moving moment is when I ask, ‘How many of you feel like you’ve been changed as a man by having this daughter? Stand up if you can tell me one or two or three things that are different for you.’
Everyone in the room stands.
Read moreBabyGate
Moms and dads often do things differently.
Is that OK?
Should be because, in fact, any two parents will do things differently (regardless of gender) because they are two different people. Kids benefit from the difference, so we parents have to make sure that our kids are exposed to both parenting styles.
Read moreTalk, Listen, & Learn
Given how little practice most dads seem to have, many incredible things gush out when they let loose and start talking to me: insight, humor, affection, understanding, and deep commitment to their children--even in the toughest circumstances.
What they had to say could easily fill several encyclopedias. We really do have wisdom to share with each other about real issues we face every day.
Read moreHow to Keep Fertility Sex from Being a Chore
Struggling to get pregnant is not fun (as we’ve discussed the last couple of days).
Being (and feeling) "infertile" can challenge some core parts of your identity as a man. That makes it even more essential that you and your partner trust each other, remain honest, and pull together.
Read moreInferility and Your Manhood
More treatments for infertility are available than ever before—and nearly all of them are stressful. Perhaps the biggest stressor is the way you may now have to engage in sex. Many couples getting infertility treatment say the prescribed regimen for intercourse and other sexual acts is a major adjustment.
After all, we’re used to having sex spontaneously; because we’re in the mood, not because we’re on a timetable.
Read moreMissed Conceptions: Infertility
In the United States, around 10 percent of couples encounter fertility problems of one sort or another. Most folks see infertility as a women’s problem, but it ain’t necessarily so.
Here's the low-down Adapted from my latest book Idiot's Guides: Pregnancy for Dads, © 2014, Alpha Books.
The New Dad's First Year
The months leading up to your baby’s first birthday bring the first taste of his growing independence. He is getting stronger, growing teeth, eating new foods, and snarfing up more and more information. He will crawl and then walk.
Of course, this places new demands on you, since the baby isn’t going to just lie quietly in the crib anymore (if he ever did!).
Read moreNew Dad Investments
Fatherhood generates less conversation and attention in our society than motherhood does. That’s a bit strange when you realize that psychological and social science research over the past 30 years shows a strong correlation between healthy, responsible fathering and a child’s well-being.
The findings are compelling. If a man invests his time and attention to rearing his child, the child is more likely to show the following traits:
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Coaching for Dads
Fathers and Stepfathers have enormous influence on Daughters, but it's not always clear how to best use that influence--and to fully experience the joy of having a daughter.
Joe Kelly, author of the best-seller Dads & Daughters©: How to Inspire, Understand, and Support Your Daughter, offers personalized coaching for dads on communication, strengthening the father-daughter bond, and negotiating the minefield of female adolescence.
"Joe Kelly offers clear, practical advice on building closer relationships, helping girls develop, and boosting confidence." - Parenting magazine
"I want to thank you personally for creating an outlet for all of us. If it had not been for you, I probably wouldn't have survived a teenage daughter. Not only is she now a well-adjusted adult, she's actually taken the next steps in life. A few weeks back, she got her very own apartment, along with her (gulp) fiancé!" - Tim
Call 510.423.0553 now to schedule your individualized, web-based coaching, available anywhere!